Department of General Surgery is comprised of famous surgeons with expertise in both acute care surgery, trauma, and oncology. Our surgeons provide clinical excellence in all areas of general surgery, including diabetic foot management, cellulitis, Hernia, circumcision,and many others. Our surgical oncologists specialize in GI malignancies, advanced colorectal cancers, breast cancer and ovarian and endometrial cancers. We provide the best and most streamlined acute care surgical care to our patient

Kinds of Treatment

Surgeries performed regularly

  • Boils, abscess, swellings
  • Circumcision
  • Hemorrhoids (piles)
  • Fissure and Fistula surgeries
  • Scrotal and testicular surgeries
  • Scrotal and testicular swelling
  • Diabetic foot care / amputations
  • Hernia (open and Laparoscopic hernia repair)
  • Gall Bladder (stones/polyps) Open and laparoscopic
  • Brest lumps removal (benign/ cancers)
  • Thyroid surgeries (benign /cancers)
  • Gastrointestinal surgeries (open and laparoscopic)
  • Appendectomy (open and laparoscopic)
  • Trauma Surgery
  • Hepatobiliary
  • Varicose veins


General Surgery


Our Special Cares are Family Care, surgical Care, Geriatric Care, Cancer Care, Hemophilia Care and HIV/AIDS Care.

Family Care

We ensure maximum health at minimum costs. Our only motto is “Serve with Love”. You aren’t our patient. You are our family.

Surgical Care

We believe that at the core of effective surgery is teamwork, with a mix of both staff and skills. Surgical care and Anaesthesia

Geriatric Care

ELife Begins at 60...Nobody understands elders as deeply as we do.... We focus on providing comprehensive care

Cancer Care

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis

Hemophilia Care

For the welfare of the PwH, we provide total quality care, education support; make treatment available


Taking care of people living with HIV/AIDS